Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Saguaros in Arizona

A pretty desert scene. I had always thought the desert was stark and barren, it's not. There are so many things to look at and notice. It sure does grow on you after awhile. I love the big skies and long vistas.

Here is a poor guy that fell down. It is said that their roots are shallow, but go out a long ways in all directions to slurp up as much water as possible.

These guys look like they are friends hanging out, with a couple of onlookers wishing they were part of the happy gang.

That is one thing I like about Saguaros almost all of the cactus seem to have personalities.

I loved looking out and seeing mountains and hills. Arizona has lots of mountains big and small, they seem to be everywhere. I also like the way the cactus go on forever into the distance

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Snow Part of Zion in the Rain and Snow

These are the pictures of Zion in the snow. I am just a little out of sequence. We are in Flagstaff now, Feb 25. We are headed to Sedona after exploring Flagstaff a bit more, I found a great coffee shop yesterday, got to stop again on the way out. It is a nice city but bitter cold there was a icy wind blowing yesterday and it is supposed to be stronger today. We stayed in a motel here. Not a very peaceful night. People coming and going and making noise. Shar Shar and Amy didn't relax much all night. Queenie was surrounded by cars out in the parking lot so I don't think she was too lonely without us.I will try to fill in the many days and places I have missed...........but who knows when.

Grand Canyon Early Tuesday Morning

Here we are at the Grand Canyon. Alas, I took no pictures of Queenie or the dogs. These were taken about 8 am on a clear sunny morning. It stayed clear all day and we walked or drove to every possible lookout point we could. The dogs were allowed on the rim trail so they walked most of it with me. It was awesome and grand. Once again not too many people except in the middle of the day by the lodges. We were able to drive out to Hermits Rest. All of the old buildings and lodges have fire places, when you walk in you can smell the wood burning and feel the welcome warmth. The sky was crystal clear all day. I was tempted to walk down into the canyon a bit, but it was so icy I was sure I would fall to an untimely death.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

zion in rain and snow

I have a lot of catching up to do.........
We were in Zion Nat'l Park in Utah Feb. 19-22
We almost had the park to ourselves. They even had a trail the dogs could walk on! Two out of three mornings we walked the 3+ miles without seeing another soul. The weather was rainy and snowy with a touch of sun. The rain and clouds made the gigantic rock faces very mysterious. What a privilege to witness such grandeur. I even did some hiking on my own which was a nice change. We spent three days here and enjoyed every second of it. One day we had just gotten back from our walk and into the van when a tremendous thunderstorm hit. I didn't see any lightening but there were booms upon booms and then a torrent of rain that turned into ice then snow. I was in the midst of nature at her work. I would never tire of that walk through the valley nor the gigantic form of the Watchman standing sentinel over Queenie (the van has a name), Amy, Shara and I day and night.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Every morning Shara, Amy and I go on a walk. The walk started out to be 30 min, but is now

1 1/2 hours. I get up at 5-5:30 so I have time for a cup of coffee (or two) before we leave my parents house at 6:30. It is dark when we start out and we watch the day dawning. It is a very peaceful time of day. We meet many of the same people and dogs along our walk and some days we see no one at all. The majority of our route consists of "off street" walking. The area where my parents live was once all fruit and nut orchards (my parents have lived in their house about 45 years) so there are irrigation canals all over. These canals have become part of the regional park system and now are throughways linking bicyclers, horseback riders, and walkers to different urban areas and towns. We walk about 3 blocks to get to one these canals, through a park, through some open space (fields and foothills) to another canal, down a bike path, through another park and then down a couple of streets before we get back to my parents house. The dogs love it and look forward to it. We see some wildlife, mostly birds. There are wild turkeys, geese, ducks and all kinds of little birds. About the only other wildlife we see is squirrels. I feel very privilaged to be able to do this daily. Everyday there is something different to observe, the weather is always changing. Many mornings it is foggy, which make it all rather mysterious and magical, sometimes the sky is vibrant reds and purples at dawn, sometimes it is misting or raining and once it was even snowing; all of the hills were covered in snow! This is a wonderful way to start the day.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Louisa, the dogs and I went camping at Big Sur for four days in November. It was a magical trip. The weather was perfect, the ocean crystal clear and amazing shades of blue. We went hiking one day where the ocean was below us and hills spreading out forever. We were told that we should be able to see the Sierras, but weren't sure that those hills way off in the distance were really them. Views were spectacular in every direction. The fire damage from two summers ago was extensive. There were sobering gullys where you could imagine the fire barreling through torching everything in sight, the heat must have been so intense. It is amazing how nature can heal itself, we saw many burned tree trunks sprouting new branches and little trees, vibrant green leaves in the midst of burned out shrubs and even in November wildflowers everywhere. The contrast of burnt desolation and lush new growth is beautiful and inspiring. Both Shara and Amy got to run free on this hike which brought smiles all around. We were a little concerned about all of the poison oak they ran through and they were banished from sleeping in the bed. Neither Louisa and I got any though. This is a milestone for me. When I was in my 20's if I just looked at poison oak from a far distance I would break out with it all over me. We all were sad when the trip was over and will hold the memories of many perfect views for years to come.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Who are Shara and Amy?

They are both rescue dogs who love "driving" in the van when I have gotten out (or when I am in the back sleeping). I have had Amy for almost two years, she will be 8 years old sometime in Feb. I took Shara in as a foster dog in April with in two weeks I fell in love with her and after agonizing about having two dogs for awhile adopted her too. They seem to really like camping. I think what they like best is being able to sleep with me. At home they can't get on any of the furniture and would never even think of trying to jump on the bed.

So far we have mostly been exploring the Northern California Coast. Amy seems to love the Ocean, but I don't think Shar cares much where she is as long as she can have room to run fast and far.