Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Saguaros in Arizona

A pretty desert scene. I had always thought the desert was stark and barren, it's not. There are so many things to look at and notice. It sure does grow on you after awhile. I love the big skies and long vistas.

Here is a poor guy that fell down. It is said that their roots are shallow, but go out a long ways in all directions to slurp up as much water as possible.

These guys look like they are friends hanging out, with a couple of onlookers wishing they were part of the happy gang.

That is one thing I like about Saguaros almost all of the cactus seem to have personalities.

I loved looking out and seeing mountains and hills. Arizona has lots of mountains big and small, they seem to be everywhere. I also like the way the cactus go on forever into the distance

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